My namesake is a human librarian that was turned into an orangutan. All he says is “Ook” and can traverse the library stacks with great ease. He is happy.
I have a pretty strange knowledge set. I’m not super friendly, but I like to get high and link people to stuff. Just pretend I said only “ook”
Don’t you see? They’re fucking with the denominator. My 60% is already technically closer to 58%. If they keep adding keys, I don’t know how my mech can keep up with the shrinkflation. I can’t become one of those 50% weirdos. Microsoft is just finding more ways to ruin my life.
Also, you only decompile to level of basic instructions that the processor understands. When you compile code to add two numbers, well, the processor only adds bytes. There are a quite a few steps that the compiler has to fill in.
Ok, all that is not a big deal. But then you deal with compiler optimization. Optimizing basically tells the compiler to take its time and find some clever ways to save machine steps. So now the “standard way” for a compiler to implement adding numbers may have other stuff rolled into it because the compiler may see an opportunity to save steps in a seemly unrelated calculation by inserting steps into the addition it is implementing. Now it’s basically unrecognizable. A human didn’t write, and wouldn’t have written that mess that the decompiler gives.
Edit: I would also like to add that when compile with the debugger flag, you are telling the compiler to produce decompilable code. Don’t change any steps and store variable names as written.
Yeah folks. Elon got a bargain at 120%. A lesser business acumen would have paid upwards of $900B maybe even $1T. But not Elon. He went to court, and the judge said that it was such a good deal that it was illegal not to take it. True story.
I hope you had their permission before putting their password out there where anyone could read it.
He’s 2 dimensional. There is no delta P.
Lol – how’s that working out for ya, Utah??
Kinda perfectly. The lawmakers don’t want to block porn; they want their constituents to think they are effective. The people that don’t go to pornhub hear it’s blocked (well that’s nice) and the ones that go, find a work around (some people like it being hard). They hope the work around is innocuous enough to be forgotten by election day.
I hope they miscalculated. I don’t see how blocking porn and weed is a winning strategy. I don’t understand this country. Life could be fun. We have all the ingredients.
I don’t really know. I suspect they might have error correction codes of differing sophistication. Even if that’s not right here is a cool video on Hamming codes anyway.
Is her plan to move to a district outside of the jurisdiction of citizens united?
That negative number comes from taking a logarithm of a number less than one. Not from a negative scalar.
None of those scales have negative scalars.
It’s the only way this meme makes sense. It’s a complaint that humans don’t like the average of the temperates that produce the feelings of extreme hot and extreme cold. You’d have to change math, change physiology, or lose linearity.
That money was ill gained. The court applied laws. That money is not theirs now. What kind of hellscape are you advocating?
If by “the service”, you mean “online mental health providers”, then no, the service will not get worse. Patients will be fine.
If by “the service”, you mean “Cerebral’s health services”, then yes. They can collapse for all I care.
why not learn how to protect them properly from bad actors?
Exactly. One way to start is asking for help on forum with people who like to talk about this kind of thing. Hope OP finds their way.
awk will always have a soft spot for me, but I can see why not many take the time to learn it. It tends to be needed right there at the border of problem complexity where you are probably better using a full-fledged scripting tool.
But learning awk is great for that “now you’re thinking in pipes” ah-hah moment.
Fwiw, I’m not a downvoter in general, and your comment was no exception. I hope it’s clear that I agree this is a childish waste of money.
Seeing that some people voted for him because he told Marco that he was packing on the debate stage, if some people withdrawal support because he smells like limburger, I’m not going to stand in their way.
That being said, I’m glad no org that I’m supporting is wasting their dollars here.
Not only that, having the MO as an open secret allows any of the few investigations that get past “declared suicide” can be declared a false flag.
“We don’t actually do that. We never have. Our enemies spread these rumors, then attempt to frame us with this preposterous crime.”
The propaganda has redundancy layers.
Nope, the blood pattern clearly shows he shot himself after he hit the ground. Clearly, this man went above and beyond to kill himself. A Russian patriot.
That’s all he has to do to get votes, but he needs a campaign staff. Can you imagine dedicating energy to work to get someone elected who you aren’t exactly passionate about?
Maybe he doesn’t need a campaign staff. He could keep his head down and just see what happens on election day. I’d almost welcome it.