“even” you say. I live in a not small but not that kind of a big country and you get out of the coastal cities and you end up in whole another culture. I don’t know the exact reasons but where sea exists, I feel home. 150-200 kilometers outside is completely different. I guess in my country, where people originally came from has to do with this topic. Coastal areas generally has people from Europe, other areas from Eastern countries, etc.
God… I am sorry you gone through all that. And, it’s very brave of you to explain your life, difficulties, different situations and your perspective. Thank you. You really gave me an insight, I mean it.
While reading this, I thought about my perspective to life. I am in my early twenties and try to do different stuff to earn my life, pursue some kind of satisfaction. This makes me get tired every day, and consider killing myself constantly. Now, I don’t.
This summer I’ve gone through an emptiness, moneylessness. I agree, without money, I think about what to eat in the most economical way. That leads to more depression. Then every night I tried to find a purpose to not to kill myself and with this comment, it’s done. I accept a perspective to life now.
Seeing all successful people, whether successful since born (nice family, good looking, no major illness…) or by later (breaking the chain of poverty, being the best at one stuff…) people damn kill themselves or be in a depression either thisbor that way. This fucking possibility stays there.
Seeing this situation, I accept the life on it’s own. That’s it. Born, study, socialize, work, get lost. Again, with your comment, I rationalized my perspective. I am, really, now happy with who I am and know how to make it be that way. Do my business, and fuck it. There’ll be no miracles, there’s no one to help you be happier.
Thank you. I wonder how can I prove it but you really helped me. I needed some rationalization.