Taking something away and then restoring it seems a rather low bar for a Noble Peace Prize?
Taking something away and then restoring it seems a rather low bar for a Noble Peace Prize?
Trump’s base is a lost cause, but the pain may get the soft Dem voters to get off their arses and turn out for the next election.
Nothing will shift Maga, so appealing to them is wasted.
You make Supreme Court judges political appointees, all of this was always going to happen at some point.
All you needed was the right guy to pull the levers.
The night of the long knives.
Well, the Roman Empire took about 450 years before to started to go tits up.
All great empires go through to decline, the fascinating thing about the US is that it happened so quickly.
Yeah, just the Chinese aps do that shit. Regular Western apps always protect your data and would never misuse it in any way.
Nice try, Zuckerberg…
The traditional deal is you only get to threaten folk who haven’t access to nukes. If they have, your threat can be ignored. That’s why North Korea is a thing and Saddam Hussein isn’t.
Greenland is rich in mineral resources. One of his dozen billionaires got into his empty head.
As an Australian I can confirm this. Anybody silly enough to act patriotic in any group will be sledged mercilessly.
Not only is not a thing, but the rest of the world views it as distinctly odd. Performative patriotism looks a bit creepy from the outside. I guess you have to be born into it, but we all know that family who does something and remains unaware just how it looks?
I always use railways to illustrate this example. Every developed country in the world has them. They are indispensable, cities would grind to a halt without mass commuter transportation. Yet, they are also notoriously expensive. They just don’t pay their way. People couldn’t afford the ride. But because they are an essential service, governments swallow the costs.
That’s the primary point of government. Not to wage war across the world, but to provide essential services to the people that private industry can’t do at an affordable price.
Damn, this always happens to me when I don’t put me specs on?
Yes, the lesson is personal security -not trying to be a cunt to the health consumer.
Maybe Bruce Wayne reversed his policy on forearms?
Good news. The board relented on the thoughts, but they were pretty firm on denying the prayers.
He, ‘something, something’ and ‘found out’.
That conspiracy that Trump was recruited by the Soviets as an agent in the 1980s is sounding less and less of a conspiracy every day.