Sorry, can’t find any better sources for this.
The animator then asked Maher what the “downside” of “getting a vaccine” was, which caused the comedian to go on an anti-vax tirade.
“The fact that you the fact that you don’t even have a clue what’s the cost of getting a vaccine that you don’t know the answer to that. You completely want to shut your eyes to the fact that there are repercussions to all medical interventions, including a vaccine, all vaccines,” he ranted. “They come, they say side effects, just like every medication does. You can see it in the literature. They can’t write it on their back on the vaccine. So you have to dig them. And of course, there is a vaccine court because so many people have been injured.”
i dO mY oWn ResEarcH!
Thanks for copying and pasting a meme, you’re really contributing to the culture war. I hope you get promoted to private first class.
LOL you got butthurt over that?
Just get the jab, dummy.
Had a stroke mid-sentence.
Obviously he was just vaccinated mid sentence. /s
Yeah, because medicines that are administered by doctors obviously always have OTC consumer labeling. /s
Typo. I think he’s saying the companies don’t post the risks on the bottle like they’re supposed to do you have to grill them in front of Congress.
Of course that’s false. But these ppl never let facts stop the narrative.
I think he means more that people have to seek out the package inserts and read through those behemoths to find that information. In that respect, he’s not wrong. You either have to read the physical thing if you have one or go online and search for a pdf or something to read it.
However, people don’t give themselves vaccines. That’s a doctor or pharmacist’s job. So, yeah, you won’t read it on the back of the vial because you never get the vial.
- Bill Maher