• meco03211@lemmy.world
    2 months ago

    Almost everything said is true.

    Gods this part is awful. It’s the tan suit/coffee salute/mustard bullshit. Yes. Obama did wear a tan suit, saluted marines (I think getting in Marine One), and ordered Dijon mustard on a sandwich. All true. Yet that’s where it stopped and the rest was just biased trash dragging him for all the usual suspects of right wing hysteria.

    This is what drives some of the anti-vax idiots. They are spoon fed studies or data that is usually factual alongside commentary and analysis that at best is described as “uneducated”. I know one such idiot that can’t understand proportions or rates. He was fed a study by his handlers of choice that showed 70% of covid deaths at some hospital were among vaccinated people. He reasoned that he’d rather be on the 30% side of that equation. He didn’t care that over 90% of the population at that time was vaccinated and those vaccinations targeted elderly and other risky groups more likely to die. He couldn’t understand that having 90% of a population vaccinated would result in those covid deaths being 90% vaccinated if it was truly ineffectual. Bro just kept bro-ing out with the “you can’t argue with the numbers!” spiel.