I still remember when Augustus was become successful
Remember the funky 70’s?
The other day a colleague send me the pdf of some documentation standard he uses. In the media section it recommendee using HD Floppy discs with 1.44MB as all computers have a ready drive for it. CDs were described as being written with a special tool and then readable by a special laser drive, but suitable for long term data storage…
Today i had to ask a 15 year old, if he is familiar with CDs, because chance is most notebooks stopped having CD drives by the time he learned to read.
Oh, you have no fucking idea
- 80’s kid
Oh shit people born in 80 will turn 1945 this year.
I wonder if they would have memories of this Jesus person
30 AD (After Death) would means 30 years after he was executed. So they would know of people who remembered seeing him.
All that says is that no one can agree on when anything happened that far back.
So to avoid having to give someone a crash course on why the Gregorian calendar sucks, and to sidestep the argument on whether or not Jesus even existed, that’s the simplest way to interpret it.
Just for fun, let’s take that first model as sacrosanct. Jesus lived to be 33. So if his actual birthdate is five years prior to 1AD, a 1995-year-old person would still have been born 2 years after he died.
AD doesn’t stand for “After Death”…
It stands for Anno Domini which is “in the year of the Lord” which has a lot of interpretations on what that means but most commonly the year Christ was supposedly born give or take maybe a decade.
Whatever, we’re all living like we’re 18 and our bodies and minds are so so tired.
We all think we’re living like we’re 18, until you actually come across an 18 year old and remember how awkward and awful it actually was.
But, I digress, 28 going on 29 feels an awful lot like any other age did, but with more frequent back pain. My birthday is coming up and I legitimately have pokemon cards and a Gameboy on my wishlist lol.
Damn way to make me feel old
Currently me
Only BC Kids will remember
Commutation is a crazy concept.
I heard someone get called old recently for quoting Frozen…
And I still haven’t seen it somehow…
My kids are almost the right age to watch it at this point, so I’ll just wait until then.
And I only kicked heroin 21 years ago! How time flies!
Does this still work when adjusted for inflation?