Dr. Jake Kleinmahon, who is just one of three pediatric heart doctors with his specialty in Louisiana, said he feels like the state has targeted families like his.
That’s ok. They have Dr. Cletus, who got his MD at the school of common sense.
Red states don’t care about having physicians trained from filthy leftist academia. Cletus is more competent to perform surgery, because he knows the south will rise again, and he has a can do attitude!
That’s ok. They have Dr. Cletus, who got his MD at the school of common sense.
Red states don’t care about having physicians trained from filthy leftist academia. Cletus is more competent to perform surgery, because he knows the south will rise again, and he has a can do attitude!
The most important thing for me is whether my doctor is Proud to be an American.
Now wait- there’s a far more important thing: Does he accept Jesus as his personal savior?
Just to be clear, does he accept white supply-side Jesus as his personal savior?
Because the commie, middle-eastern Jesus who told us to… 🤢… help one another doesn’t count!
God changed his mind about black people in 1978. So blacks are included too.
What a swell god. Has he changed his mind on gay people yet?
the real Lord/Jesus/Holy Spirit is not monitoring your dick or labia 24/7. I mean, that would be fucked up.
So “my religious belief is that there is an omniscient spirit who is constantly monitoring and judging what you do with your genitals”
oh, uh,… okay…
well DUH, every Proud American loves Jesus more than his own mother. If you don’t, the Proud American Committee executes you.
What denomination? That 19th heresy or OUR 19th century heresy?
i had to do 18 Hail Marys after i read this, thx
(it’s a drinking game, and the drink is the
bodyblood of christ)Even though not all drinks are
I don’t know how you play hail mary but that’s what me and the boys always do.
Thanks for the laugh! :D
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I wonder if Dr. Cletus would give me a prostate exam
With a gun barrel for even thinking he’d do liberal shit maybe
hello, i had to give my pastor $5 for this comment