The candid reviews of the new rules, which went into effect Monday, even included mockery from Sen. Susan Collins of Maine, who joked to reporters that she planned to “wear a bikini” on Tuesday.
The candid reviews of the new rules, which went into effect Monday, even included mockery from Sen. Susan Collins of Maine, who joked to reporters that she planned to “wear a bikini” on Tuesday.
As much as I love Fetterman, I’m with the Republicans on this one. It’s the same reason you can’t curse in court, you have to stand up at the appropriate times and outwardly agree to show seriousness for the proceedings, etc: We’re here for a super important reason. Whole people’s lives will be changed based on what we do here. Take it seriously or GTFO.
I get that Fetterman is huge and wearing a nice suit every day would genuinely be a hardship for him, but there has to be some kind of solution that doesn’t step us one step closer to fistfights and drunk congresspeople on the floor. I don’t think MTG should be able to yell and be generally awful, I think Boebert should get in some sort of trouble that a private citizen wouldn’t get in for being publicly a drunken tramp, and I think everyone in congress should still have to wear suits. It’s important, take it seriously.
The peak era of drunken fistfights in Congress was the mid-1800’s and attire was much more formal then. If Congresspeople would like to be viewed as serious and dignified, they can begin by spending less time begging rich people for spare change and more time on policy.
Then maybe they should actually be serious and dignified.
Maybe you haven’t noticed but the Republicans don’t take anything seriously, other than pandering to corporations. What is the purpose of wearing a skinny bib on your neck and an extra jacket? It used to be to show you had money. Do we care if our politicians have money? I care that they don’t have a lot of money or at least don’t show that they do, as that makes them look more like us and more relatable.
Not true, they also take seriously pandering to Nazis and overthrowing elections. All three of those things are (edit:
also) massive problems, yes. Two things can be true (or four in this case).Edit: Should have said, those three things are much bigger problems than the dress code either way. I wish the Democrats were working on them more and changing the dress code less.
Who invented the suit? What’s it’s practical purpose? What advantage does it bring over plain clothes other than being “poor people can’t afford this”? What does a fucking Tie do that isn’t “choke a bitch?”
Well I don’t view a suit as holding any import at all, literally anyone can where one. It’s such a stupid waste of time even arguing about it. If they wanted to be completely bare-ass naked but in return they actually did the job we elected them to do, and actually kept their constituents’ best interests in mind, I’d be all for it. “Decorum” is just one more way to oppress the poor and suppress progress.
I hope you get over whatever makes you this way
What way? Thinking things through and deciding on a viewpoint which might or might not agree with yours?
You can think I’m wrong, that’s fine, I’ve definitely been before and it’ll definitely happen again. But if you’re holding out hope that your downvotes will make me suddenly start holding exactly the viewpoint you want me to have, you may have to wait quite a while.
Edit: I honestly don’t know what people are expecting from a platform for political discussion, if they’re gonna get super angry whenever they see a viewpoint that isn’t theirs. The more I’m thinking about it, the more genuinely weird it is.
I didn’t downvote you bud, check the log.
The way that what clothes you wear matters for shit.
You are judging people on that?
Who the fuck cares what they are wearing?
I genuinely don’t get it.
So if someone is too poor to wear a suit then they don’t care enough for you?
Can you see how offensive it would be if I started talking to you this same way, even if I don’t agree with you? Like coming out of the gate insisting that mine is the only possible understandable viewpoint, and calling you “bud” and telling you there’s something wrong with you, because you had the audacity to see it some other way?
Congressional salary is $174k a year. They can afford to wear suits. If it was someone who genuinely didn’t have the ability to (like someone showing up in court who doesn’t have a dollar to their name and the judge is dinging them for their clothes), I would 100% agree with you in that case, but this isn’t that. This is someone who has the money to dress however they want deciding to dress super-casually.
You can think that wearing casual clothes is fine; I get your argument and it makes sense to me. I just don’t agree. <– See how easy that was?
Nobody has been rude in this thread as far as I’ve seen. The comment you replied to didn’t say there was “something wrong with you”, just disagreed in a very direct way.
I think you are putting more into certain words or expectations than actually exist, while also projecting your own assumptions in order to allow you to remain the underdog. Perhaps that is tied up with your conviction that performative niceness is very important.
If I answered you with:
I hope you get over whatever makes you this way. I didn’t say the word rude bud, scroll up and check. You are failing to do that? You need to read everything written by the person I’m replying to. Who the fuck doesn’t do that? I genuinely don’t get it.
… that would be productive? Or not productive? Or how would you characterize it if I said that to you?
Okay now go read’s two comments to me.
Yeah maybe I’m being a little thin-skinned about it. But it’s a very bad way of interacting online, and I’m being direct about calling it out. Disagreeing in a direct way is good, right?
I can agree to disagree, I can even admit I came in hot and apologize, which I do, but bud is just my gender-neutral passive address.
No offense intended with that part.
It’s all performance with no substance. People in congress should generally be serious, and respect their position and obligation- a suit means fuck all when you’re diddly-fucking the constitution to maintain power.
He takes his job seriously. Why do you think the way he dresses says he doesn’t?
I think he takes his job extremely seriously, much more so than most of the other senators. Probably that’s why to him the clothing is not a big deal, because to him it makes absolutely 0 difference to how seriously he takes the job. But, that doesn’t mean it will make no impact on other people in congress and other people observing congress.
If you think Congress is expected to “outwardly agree to show seriousness for the proceedings” I suggest you do some research into the ridiculous nonsense that has taken place in Congress. Wearing suits, banning women and black people, whatever it is they’ve tried didn’t prevent fistfights or drunk people on the floor. It just hasn’t happened on TV.
On one hand I agree with you about decorum reflecting the gravity of the task at hand, but on the other, there was a fight between senators on the floor in the 1850s with one almost dying.
Not at 250k a year with free healthcare. Tailored suits don’t cost that much unless you’re a snob about them.
Not a financial hardship; I talked about that in some other message. I meant a physical hardship. Dude is basically a bear. I’m sure sweats are more comfortable for him unless he invests part-time-job level energy into finding good suits.
Dude can afford a breathable suit.
Showing up in a hoodie when you’re making 250k to work 100 days of the year is disrespectful as fuck.