1:38 Mary Trump his niece
Paraphrasing Mary: “Every lie he told, all the energy he spends lying, is in order to hide who he really is.” “The more people confront him with the truth, the more he will get out of control and fight back”
Stating the truth that anyone with a brain in their head already knows.
I hate when people talk about Donny’s father as if he was some sort of saint. That fucker was a segregationist real estate mogul that funded the KKK.
Is it talking about him like he’s a saint to acknowledge that he actually did build a real estate empire from middle-class origins?
Maybe that is something of a sainthood to some Americans.
Fred made a lot of money, especially compared to his son or his father, but he nonetheless inherited a business and sizeable amount of money from Friedrich Trump. I wouldn’t call it Middle Class for the time period.
Wealth is certainly a religion to many Americans.
Yeah, it’s Worthington’s Law in action. I cannot reference this enough, because this is actually how many people think. I cannot believe how many conversations about Elon/Donnie/Bezos/Gates, etc all ended with the equivalent of “yeah, but he makes more money than YOU!” (which I nearly always sound not very distant from “My dad can beat up YOUR dad!”. It’s pathetic.
Checks out.
donald trump can get fucked but has Mary Trump done anything to deserve her fame other than shit on him?
I think she’s got a PhD in Psychology. In my book, that’s worth something.
there are hundreds of thousands of psychology PhDs though. Why is this one relevant to presidential politics?
I think for every PhD there are a hundred students who stopped short, so even if you don’t respect the knowledge that comes with devoting your life to academics you can at least respect the effort they put in.
Hilarious take from some pleb some calling themselves “Auntie Oedipus” though.
My understanding is that, unlike Donald, she actually wrote her own book.
Money you enjoyed wasting, was not wasted. Seems like he enjoys tacky and gaudy things so I wouldn’t say he wasted it.
He is a worse businessman than if he had just left his father’s money in an index fund, despite being in the scummiest and scammiest businesses, including casinos and a fake university, and benefitting from the wild appreciation of NYC real estate in his lifetime.
But that doesn’t mean he wasted his money.
Mary Trump, at this point, isn’t saying anything she didn’t say 5+ years ago. The whole family are a bunch of blowhards, and she’s definitely just flogging books at this point for people that genuinely do suffer from TDS. They grifted the political right wing, now they want some of that sweet sweet librul money.
“TDS” isn’t a real thing. It’s called being concerned that your nation elected a literal traitor as president, who then attempted to steal an election and hold a fascist coup.
Seems like a pretty reasonable thing to be upset about.
…what the hell is TDS? Tonald Drump Syndrome?
Trump Derangement Syndrome. It started with ‘Bush Derangement Syndrome’ back around 2005. Left leaning folks who pointed out what a terrible President George W. was were accused of being insane. Then came Obama Derangement Syndrome, where folks on the Right really were going insane. Here’s the Tan Suit Scandal as an example
At least one high ranking GOP official called out the President’s attire.
It’s gaslighting at it’s best. If the Left calls out the Right on actual problems, the Right accuses the Left of insanity.
Unbelievable. This article reads like satire. 😅
They also called him out for putting his feet on the Presidential desk and holding onto his coffee cup while saluting a Marine.
Scary book. The tl, dr is that, in 1970, the author predicted a lot of what has come to pass.
Bro you have TDS if you’re utilizing fucking “Trump derangement syndrome” as an actual insult against people who are against Trump. You’ve got some right wing brainwashing affecting you and probably need to get your mind right.
MAGAtards are the true idiots who suffer Trump Derangement Syndrome, because who else but a deranged person would go to prison for that fucking dementia addled megalomaniacal narcissist?
TDS was always projection to dehumanize Trump’s enemies to make them appear “deranged” to his Qult followers.
Thanks for defining TDS for me. I was totally confused there.
Magatards…. This is so wrong but I can’t stop laughing
There’s quite a few good nicknames for MAGAs, Qult45 is another, Trump-pets works too, I’ve seen a bunch of good ones over the years but MAGAtards, while being completely politically incorrect, conveys my contempt for MAGA people.
My personal favorite is “magat”.
Definitely one of the ones I forgot, yeah that one is good too.
I prefer Re-Tards.
Whenever I see TDS mentioned, I think of Trump’s Nuremberg-style rallies with his slavering cultists and rambling hate speeches, and its hard to remember that “TDS” is supposed to be an insult directed at those on the left.
I haven’t seen TDS used since the supreme court overturned roe vs wade and proved all those smug “libruls” right. Really since january 6th opened the stupidity wormhole it hasn’t made any sense. Its surprising seeing somebody use it unironically as though they’ve been in a coma since 2018 and just woke up.
I thought it was dumb when I first started seeing it in 2015 or so. It wasn’t even original (just ripped off CDS and ODS), and when it is applied to anyone critiquing someone such as donnie who is so unqualified and so flawed and terrible as a person vs. those that went into full rage-outs (and still do) over Hillary, Bill and Barack, it borders on laughable.
As always, the right are projecting. They had full derangement over tan suits, latte salutes, long form birth certificates, bad land deals (that the Clintons lost money on) and stains on dresses. They have no leg to stand on when claiming anyone has “derangement” over donnie.
TDS = Traitor Dick Sucker, which is you.
Trump derangement syndrome means you want to gag on his orange pecker daily
Lmao yet another person who thinks TDS is a real thing, and not just a lie Trump simps tell themselves
People that talk about “TDS” unironically remind me of the people that go on and on about “woke” as if it’s a bad thing.
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I’m no fan of Cheeto, but who gives a shit what his niece thinks? Especially when it’s the same take for a 100th time.
It’s noteworthy that his own family wishes to record publicly contempt for him, for reasons that should be clear to all, but aren’t.
While I agree people shouldn’t be quiet about anything wrong, I don’t think anyone in the entire world could break the Trump cult. They won’t believe a single thing anyone says if it’s a bad thing about Trump. They just become “secret liberals.”
Hell, Jesus himself could come down from the sky saying “listen, love thy neighbors, don’t worship false idols, and that Trump guy… Woo boy is he the devil incarnate.” MAGAmorons would just reject Christianity or call Jesus a liberal and send death threats to God…
I mean, Jesus was a liberal.
Gandhi was problematic in his own right, but he wasn’t wrong when he said, paraphrasing, I like your christ, he is so unlike your Christians.
They already do ignore everything Jesus had to say about compassion and wealth
Since you’re making this claim, what do you think of the whole “barack obama’s half brother” dog and pony show the murdock outlets did with him?
The news loves to play up the family drama angle for clicks so I would normally take the opposite view - that family is a lower credibility source in most cases since they also may not see their business dealings (such as trump refusing to pay contractors)
But this is the 100th time they’ve put out a variant of this same article with Mary saying the same thing just in a different way. Also, for those who are too busy slobbing his knob, Mary’s comments will be dismissed anyway. So all it does, imo, is offer yet another empty circle jerk opportunity for those who already agree with her sentiment without providing any new information or moving the needle in any way. It’s lazy and vapid journalism at best and a distraction from his real and serious illegal activites that the Democrats should be hammering him on faily instead.
And the last time I saw her being interviewed she didn’t seem too bright either.
Well, she’s a Trump, soooo…
The downvotes are from people who haven’t been paying attention to current events. You’re 100% correct.
Yeah, they put her on CNN every time they got a block of time they need to fill. I like her and glad she speaks the truth, but she doesn’t have many new things to add.
I’m not concerned about the downvotes. I do wish there’d be more engagement from people who disagree with my comment, however, as Lemmy is small enough to facilitate actual discussion compared to reddit or other similar forums. But it is what it is.
It’s lazy and vapid journalism at best and a distraction from his real and serious illegal activites that the Democrats should be hammering him on faily instead.
I’m downvoting you for this, in a nutshell: you are literally blaming everyone but Trump for Trump’s shit, including but not limited to the media, Democrats, his family, etc. Your double standard is so pronounced it can be seen from the Hubble:
I’m no fan of Cheeto, but who gives a shit what his niece thinks? Especially when it’s the same take for a 100th time.
. . . while completely ignoring every single day, hour and minute that the rest of us DO give to pointing out what that asshole does.
I’m not concerned about the downvotes. I do wish there’d be more engagement from people who disagree with my comment
And here it is. To paraphrase the entirety of your oeuvre in this thread:
“Shut up, Mary, I want to hear OTHER PEOPLE talk about Donald Trump’s bad shit while I completely ignore them and focus on you.”
you are literally blaming everyone but Trump for Trump’s shit
I don’t think that’s a fair assessment of my previous statement there. There is a distinction between blaming everyone but Trump for his bullshit, as you read it but I never suggested, and arguing that this specific article does not in any way deserve our attention, which was my point. Not only because it’s an old and played out take, but because pieces like this are equivalent of political frosting. The people who know he’s a crook are going to continue to do so, and the people who don’t think so are not reading this shit anyway.
Shut up, Mary, I want to hear OTHER PEOPLE talk about Donald Trump’s bad shit while I completely ignore them and focus on you.
There’s a difference between shit that he’s done that’s either illegal or in some other way actionable, and him just being a dick and a loser, which…like, ok yeah? He’s still fucking up the election process and trampling all over the basic ideas of democratic governance regardless of how you feel about him on a personal level, and that’s all this article is about: “he’s a loser on a personal level, take it from someone who’s personally related to him.”